Why become Chartered?
The letters ‘CEng’ after your name carry considerable prestige and clearly mark you out as a significant player in the world of fire engineering. Chartered Engineers are at the forefront of meeting the world’s most pressing challenges.
Chartered Engineers benefit from:
- greater influence and professional recognition in the global fire sector
- enhanced career prospects and earning potential
- access to special interest groups, CPD tracking and current vacancies
- IFE journal, newsletters and online access to archived publications
- local and international CPD events
Career spotlights:
Adreena Parkin-Coates CEng MIFireE tells how she has benefited from achieving this status with the IFE.
For details of what the Engineering Council and registration is all about see their video http://www.engc.org.uk/videos .
Academic requirement
- An accredited bachelors degree with honours in engineering together with an accredited or approved masters degree or approved further learning to masters level.
- An accredited MEng degree
If you have a bachelors but no masters, there are different ways in which you can meet the requirement. For more information, please contact branchsecretary@ife.ie[/dt_vc_list]
Other requirements
- Two Chartered Engineer referees, with knowledge of your professional involvement in fire engineering.
- A Professional Review Report showing how you have met the IPD Objectives for Chartered Engineer. It is recommended that you also refer to How to Write a Good Professional Review Report
- If you do not meet the standard academic requirement, please submit a copy of your degree(s) course module list / transcript, plus a synopsis or abstract for any projects or dissertations that formed part of your degree(s)You may also wish to refer to Guidance for Enforcement Sector CEng Applicants if you work in that sector.
If your application is successful, annual subscriptions are payable. Payment can be made by direct debit , credit/debit card or bank draft. All other ways to pay are listed here. Please read the following documents before making your application:
CPD Guidance for IFE Registrants
Code of Conduct for IFE Registrants
Guidance on the use of post nominals
EngC guidance Statement of Ethical Principles
EngC guidance on Sustainability
EngC guidance on Whistleblowing
European Directive Route to CEng Registration – The European Directive ‘Recognition of Professional Qualifications’ Route is open to those who are already registered as a professional engineer by a recognised European Engineering Institution and who wish to join the IFE at member grade and can demonstrate their competence at CEng level in the fire engineering field. Please apply by completing the European Directive Route CEng Application Form and submitting it along with supporting documentation and your application fee.