Why become an Interim Registrant for Incorporated Engineer?
If you have attained a qualification that is accepted for Incorporated Engineer registration but have yet to gain sufficient experience in the workplace to meet all of the UK-SPEC standards, then interim registration is an important step for you. Once you have built up sufficient experience (5 years is indicative) then your application for full Incorporated Engineer status will be streamlined.
For details of what the Engineering Council and registration is all about see their video http://www.engc.org.uk/videos .
Interim Registrants for Incorporated Engineer benefit from:
- access to the IFE’s international branch networks and special interest groups
- access to MY IFE online resources, including sector vacancies
- online CPD tracking
- mentor/mentee guidance
- local and international CPD events
- IFE journal, newsletters and online access to archived publications
Academic requirement
- An accredited {linked to www.engc.org.uk} bachelors or honours degree in engineering
- A relevant higher national certificate or diploma or a foundation degree, plus further learning to bachelors level
If you live outside the UK, please contact your local branch about your application. If a local branch is not available, or you live in the UK, please apply using the Interim Registration for IEng Application Form enclosing validated certificates and your application fee
If your application is successful, annual subscriptions are payable. Payment can be made by direct debit , credit/debit card, sterling cheque or bank draft. All other ways to pay are listed here. Please read the following documents before making your application:
CPD Guidance for IFE Registrants
Code of Conduct for IFE Registrants
EngC guidance Statement of Ethical Principles
EngC guidance on Sustainability