October 2019 Examinations
The October 2019 examinations will take place on Monday 7 October 2019. The timetable can be viewed by clicking here .
The next full examination session will be in March 2020.
Booking Examinations
The closing date for booking examinations in October 2019 has passed and the IFE is no longer able to accept any additional bookings. Candidates who have already booked examinations will find the following documents useful as information sources on the examinations.
- Entry Fees, Changes to Entries and Key Dates– this document sets out the fees for entering examinations and key dates such as the last dates for changing examination arrangements or submitting applications for special considerations or deferrals.
- Terms and Conditions – all candidates must ensure that they are aware of, and comply with, the Terms and Conditions.
- Rules and Information for Candidates Taking IFE Examinations in October 2019 – this booklet contains information about the process followed after candidates have entered examinations, the examination conditions and relevant dates (eg for issue of results).
Reasonable Adjustments
Candidates who wish to apply for reasonable adjustments will need to complete and submit an application for reasonable adjustments. The procedure for applying for reasonable adjustments and the relevant application form can be found on the FAQs, Policies and Procedures page. In order to provide time for the IFE and for examination venues to make arrangements, candidates who require reasonable adjustments must ensure that their application form has been submitted to the IFE by 19 September 2019 at the latest.
Withdrawing from Examinations
The deadline for withdrawing from examinations with a full refund has now passed. Candidates who are unable to attend on the day of the examination do not need to inform the IFE that they will not attend unless they would like the IFE to forward the information to their examination centre. Candidates who have entered via an examination centre run by their employer/branch may wish to contact their centre directly to advise of non-attendance – this is particularly helpful where centres have committed to make special arrangements for candidates (eg reasonable adjustments). The examination centre will mark the candidate absent on the attendance register and the information about non-attendance will then be provided to the IFE by the centre. If candidates wish to take the examination(s) at a later examination session, they must submit a new application form to the IFE and follow the standard process (including payment of fee) for making a new examination entry.
In some exceptional circumstances where candidates are unable to attend the examination due to severe and unexpected circumstances outside of their control, the IFE will arrange for a deferral of the examination(s). Examples of circumstances where a deferral might be arranged include unexpected and severe illness which prevents the candidate from taking the examination or the death of a close family member. Further details are provided in the IFE’s policy and procedures for Arrangements for Special Consideration (including Deferrals) . Where appropriate, candidates should submit an Application for Deferral Form or an Application for Special Consideration form. Applications must be submitted within the specified timescale and must be accompanied by supporting evidence. Candidates should be aware that an administration fee is charged for deferral arrangements.
In case of query, candidates should email: exams@ife.org.uk.